Have you ever thought or said that you want to make the world a better place through your work? But are you stumped when it comes to how you're going to do it? Host Doug Lester provides perspective from working with over a thousand MBAs hoping to advance careers with meaning and impact. He shares t…
Have you ever considered how the career choices you make can send intentional and unintentional signals to others that shape your personal narrative? Based on his experience as an executive recruiter at a top firm, host Doug Lester leads you through a quick exercise that lets you step outside yours…
If you've ever thought there was a chance that your manager or skip level isn't clear on what you do and the value you bring to your company, then this episode of The Career Narratives Podcast is worth a listen. Host Doug Les...
Is looking for the perfect job getting in the way of finding any job at all? This can be a problem at any stage of a career. Doug Lester offers an approach to thinking about career advancement that takes a little of the press...
If you're a mid or senior-level manager or executive in business and you've ever referred to yourself as a "generalist," then you're probably limiting your career potential. Based on insight he picked up as a consumer product...
You don't have to work in a non-profit to have a mission-driven career. And your relationship to mission may change over time. Host Doug Lester shares insight he gained working in the for-profit and non-profit worlds. So what...
If you've ever felt like the people you're networking and interviewing with just don't get you, you might need to work on your narrative. In this first episode of The Career Narratives Podcast, host Doug Lester shares an insi...