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The Career Narratives Podcast with Doug Lester

Presence Episodes

Oct. 11, 2024

23: Why You Shouldn't Drop Dates and Experience from Your LinkedIn Profile and Resume

If you're in your 40s or 50s, have you ever been advised to drop the dates from your education entries and remove a few of the earlier roles from your LinkedIn profile and resume? Trying to soft-pedal or hide your age and level of experience can actually work against you getting the aspirational se…
Feb. 29, 2024

7: An Easier Way to Make Direct Eye Contact on Zoom – the Elgato Prompter

Making direct eye contact or what feels like direct eye contact on Zoom is hard. Beyond looking back and forth between a person's image and your camera lens, which is less than ideal, you need a teleprompter to make it work. ...
Feb. 22, 2024

6: Make Direct Eye Contact on Zoom and Improve Your Executive Presence

If conducting important meetings or being interviewed on Zoom leaves you feeling at a disadvantage, you're probably missing the direct eye contact that happens when you're meeting in-person. And your executive presence is pro...